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Monthly Archives: July 2012
I Made a Few Changes To Your Budget
The Republicans and the Democrats love a lot of things about each other’s Budget Plans. The Republican’s love the Trebuchet Ms Font the Dems use to label their bar graphs. The Democrats Love that the Repubs double space their table of contents. But you’ll never hear it in public because neither will dare admit their admiration for the other. It’s like when your parents always argue and swear in front you and your siblings, but in private they share a passionate tender loves for each other.… READ FULL POST > > >
Posted in R & R Political Cartoons
Tagged America, capitol, cartoon, comedy, committee, congress, debt, do nothing, fiscal, fiscal cliff, funny, government, House of Representatives, humor, Parody, partisan, politics, revenue, rosco, roy, satire, Senate, tax cut, taxes, washington
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Lights! Camera! Repeal! (Poll&Quiz)
Posted in Weekly Poll & Quiz
Tagged Affordable Healthcare Act, capitol, congress, funny, government, Healthcare, House of Representatives, m night shyamalan, movies, obama, obamacare, politics, repeal, satire, Senate, speilberg, tarantino, Woody Allen
Congress Lays the SMACKDOWN on Supreme Court, White House
Hi everyone. It’s been a remarkable past 3 weeks here at the Capitol! I apologize for not updating this blog sooner, but I’ve been incredibly busy taking notes at Congressional hearings, delivering memos, and filing items – such as Rep. Gutierrez’s gigantic photo of Justin Bieber – into the Legislative Archives (FYI, it’s under Immigration Law in the “J” section just after Japanese-American Internment.)
Everyone in Congress has been celebrating this past week!… READ FULL POST > > >
Posted in Jamie the Intern
Tagged Affordable Healthcare for Americans Act, America, capitol, celebrate, comedy, committee, congress, DC, eric holder, funny, government, Healthcare, House of Representatives, humor, hunger games, in contempt, intern, Jamie, Justin Bieber, lobbyist, Parody, politics, repeal, satire, Senate, slam dunk, Supreme Court, twilight, washington, White House
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Congress Diligently Working During an Election Year.
SO MUCH TO DO during an election year! With more and more 24-hour news channels, House and Senate members like Rosco and Roy must work overtime to promote their candidate for president, leaving little time for arguing over laws and resolutions. MSNBC’s Morning Joe alone (on for 15hrs a week!) accounts for most of the empty chairs in the Senate and House chambers!
Posted in R & R Political Cartoons
Tagged America, capitol, cartoon, comedy, congress, Election, funny, House of Representatives, humor, media, money, Parody, politcal, president, pundit, Senate, television
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