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Tag Archives: president
What is your FAVORITE THING about Paul Ryan?
Posted in Weekly Poll & Quiz
Tagged budget, campaign, comedy, congress, eddie munster, Election, funny, government, House of Representatives, humor, mitt, Mitt Romney, p90x, Parody, partisan, Paul Ryan, politics, president, republican, Romney, rosco, stephen king, Vice President, washington
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Romney Ryan – Look at Our Battleship!
Washington’s #1 political animals, Rosco and Roy, give their ratings on the Romney Ryan premiere party!
ROY gives a high score for another more than perfect event for Romney! “Romney-Ryan” just rolls off the tongue like “Right-wing Republican.” His staging is epic! The Wisconsin is clearly a message to Iran not to mess with a President Romney. Big props to the crowd for reaching fanatical levels of adoration for Mitt & Paul.… READ FULL POST > > >
Posted in Election 2012
Tagged America, battleship, biden, blue eyes, campaign, comedy, congress, Election, funny, government, humor, media, Mitt Romney, obama, obama biden, Parody, partisan, politics, president, rep paul ryan, Romney, rosco, roy, Ryan, satire, washington
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Thanks for the Compliment! Romney Hood vs. Obamaloney
Rosco and Roy know if you REFUSE to be insulted, everything is compliment. They share with the presidential hopefuls how they would spin their opponents latest efforts to hurt each other’s feelings.
Posted in Election 2012
Tagged America, campaign, coin a term, comedy, compliment, congress, Election, funny, government, humor, media, obama, obamaloney, Parody, partisan, politics, president, puns, revenue, Romney, romney hood, rosco, roy, satire
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Quiz: What is the Slogan of Romney’s VP Announcement App?
Posted in Weekly Poll & Quiz
Tagged 2012, America, App, comedy, Election, government, humor, media, money, obama, politics, president, republican, Romney, rosco, roy, Russia, Veep, Vice President, VP, washington
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Jobs Created as Congress Spends $ at Home
It’s eerily quiet her at the capitol building. Except for Rep. Sean Duffy who has been sitting cross-legged in the Rotunda every day teaching himself the chords to “Call Me Maybe” on his guitar. He is one of several freshmen congressmen who have vowed to sleep in their offices instead spend some of their $174,000 annual salary on a second home in DC. Why he hasn’t gone home to Wisconsin, I don’t know. The acoustics in the in Rotunda are pretty awesome, I guess.… READ FULL POST > > >
Posted in Jamie the Intern
Tagged America, August, august recess, Call me Maybe, capitol, comedy, congress, DC, do nothing, government, House of Representatives, humor, intern, Jamie, job creators, jobs, John beohner, lobbyist, money, Nancy pelosi, Parody, partisan, politics, president, rosco, roy, satire, Sean Duffy, Senate, taxes, texas, washington
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Poll: Is Matt Damon Harry Reid’s “credible source”?
Posted in Weekly Poll & Quiz
Tagged America, campaign, comedy, congress, credible source, DC, Election, funny, government, harry reid, humor, matt damon, obama, Parody, partisan, politics, president, rafalca, Romney, rosco, roy, satire, Senate, taxes, washington
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Congress Diligently Working During an Election Year.
SO MUCH TO DO during an election year! With more and more 24-hour news channels, House and Senate members like Rosco and Roy must work overtime to promote their candidate for president, leaving little time for arguing over laws and resolutions. MSNBC’s Morning Joe alone (on for 15hrs a week!) accounts for most of the empty chairs in the Senate and House chambers!
Posted in R & R Political Cartoons
Tagged America, capitol, cartoon, comedy, congress, Election, funny, House of Representatives, humor, media, money, Parody, politcal, president, pundit, Senate, television
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