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Tag Archives: revenue
Thanks for the Compliment! Romney Hood vs. Obamaloney
Rosco and Roy know if you REFUSE to be insulted, everything is compliment. They share with the presidential hopefuls how they would spin their opponents latest efforts to hurt each other’s feelings.
Posted in Election 2012
Tagged America, campaign, coin a term, comedy, compliment, congress, Election, funny, government, humor, media, obama, obamaloney, Parody, partisan, politics, president, puns, revenue, Romney, romney hood, rosco, roy, satire
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I Made a Few Changes To Your Budget
The Republicans and the Democrats love a lot of things about each other’s Budget Plans. The Republican’s love the Trebuchet Ms Font the Dems use to label their bar graphs. The Democrats Love that the Repubs double space their table of contents. But you’ll never hear it in public because neither will dare admit their admiration for the other. It’s like when your parents always argue and swear in front you and your siblings, but in private they share a passionate tender loves for each other.… READ FULL POST > > >
Posted in R & R Political Cartoons
Tagged America, capitol, cartoon, comedy, committee, congress, debt, do nothing, fiscal, fiscal cliff, funny, government, House of Representatives, humor, Parody, partisan, politics, revenue, rosco, roy, satire, Senate, tax cut, taxes, washington
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Campaign, Complain. Repeat.
MONEY and POLITICS. It’s such a complicated and delicate balance that we common citizens will never understand. So let’s just leave it to the professionals!
Posted in R & R Political Cartoons
Tagged campaign, capitol, congress, DC, debt, humor, money, politics, revenue, satire, washington
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